We offer a free 15-minute zoom/phone consultation to understand the patient’s needs and discuss how our office can help your needs. Once you have decided to select our office (best decision you will make), our office can guide you through the next steps and schedule an intake appointment (from 1hr to 2 hrs appointment).

Medical Disclaimer

If you are interested in a phone consultation with Dr. Shah, please know that medico-legally she cannot diagnose or treat anyone unless there is a face-to-face meeting via video conferencing, or an in-person office visit that includes a complete history and examination. She cannot prescribe any medications or supplements unless you are an established patient. The phone consultations offered here are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Many of the illnesses and symptoms with which her patients struggle is highly controversial. Information provided in these consultations represent only her most current clinical experience and knowledge. What she can do is review your current medical experiences, symptoms, laboratory results and treatments and suggest areas that may not have been adequately explored or investigated completely. Know that a specific diagnosis or treatment cannot be provided. Nor can she assure you that the information she shares will be of direct help to your personal situation (for which she will have limited knowledge). Always seek the advice of your physician before making any treatment decisions.